Stephen Andrew Stepaniuk is an entrepreneur, consultant, and travel blogger who has started his own business offering travel coaching services. He wants to show people who have a job how they can add the joys of travel to their lives.

Anyone can do it without sacrificing their families and livelihoods.

Stephen believes that millions of Americans are sold the lie that you either need to quit your job or you must be rich to travel.

That couldn’t be further from the truth and his platform is designed to show the average person that achieving their travel dreams is possible.

A Love Affair with Travel

Stephen is from New England and, like many of his friends, he never imagined that he would get the chance to leave North America and travel across the world.

But he got that chance during his youth when he was able to travel to Germany as part of a high school exchange program. It was here that he learned to love travel and got his first taste of the wider world.

He immediately started studying German, French, and Polish. This sparked a love of language that would see him engage with a range of different languages from across the world, including Esperanto and Mandarin.

Crossing the World with the Traveler Mindset

One of the things Stephen always says is that it’s important to engage with the local culture and to avoid traveling like a tourist. When he travels, he never stays in resorts or luxury hotels. He prefers to get to know the locals.

For this reason, he has become an expert in lightweight travel. He travels with no more than a carry-on and a camera. This preference has enabled him to connect with the fabric of the countries he has visited.

And he believes this is the way to travel because you’re always going to get more out of a country that way.

It’s one of the things Stephen aims to teach as part of his personalized travel coaching programs.

Balancing Real Life and Passion

Stephen currently works for a leading consultancy firm in Boston. They provide him with the chance to travel more often through generous benefits packages and the opportunity to see a side of working life in foreign countries.

However, Stephen freely admits that balancing real life and the need to follow his passions is a difficult balance to strike.

This difficulty was part of his inspiration for creating this platform.

Delivering His Knowledge to Others

Stephen has managed to strike the perfect balance between work and play. He understands that an inability to juggle both means that so many people never get the chance to take advantage of the joys of travel.

He made the decision to create his website with a view to supporting others in their goal of traveling to the countries on their bucket lists.

Stephen has also unveiled personalized coaching services, so now anyone can get the customized, tailored wisdom they need to achieve their ambitions.

Are you ready to travel the world your way?