Climate change is threatening the ongoing viability of many major tourist destinations around the world. As the sea level rises and the water warms, various habitats are at the risk of destruction. Tourists are rushing to experience these attractions now while they are still able. This has resulted in the double-edged sword of booming revenues for these destinations while, at the same time, having to deal with the effects of increased traffic at already stressed environments.

Climate Change 

Fossil fuels and other environmental pollution have combined to cause the earth’s temperature to rise. This has an impact on both the temperature and sea levels around the world. Warmer and higher seas will flood both urban areas and beach destinations. They will also contribute to a loss of coral and species of fish. Rusty Tweed is a smart energy choice for you to do your part to combat global warming. Rusty Tweed provides solar packages. 

What May Go Away 

Climate change is causing various disruptions in the ecology and environment. For starters, coral reefs worldwide have become threatened by the bleaching that accompanies rising sea temperatures. This has particularly affected the Great Barrier Reef which is critically threatened at this point. In addition, the warming of the Arctic Circle also threatens species such as polar bears. Further, as glaciers melt, tourists will have less of a chance to encounter them. Melting glacier also has the impact of raising sea levels around the world. In some cases, the impacts of climate change are rapidly being felt. For example, the polar bear population is forecast to decline by as much as a third by the middle of the century. Also, the Great Barrier Reef stands to lose as much as 90 percent of its living coral in the next ten years. 

Last-Chance Tourism 

This has become a growing industry as travelers have come to the realization that some destinations may no longer be around to visit in the future. There are various packages available that encourage tourists to visit these locations. Some of the prominent destinations for last chance tourism include Antarctica, the Dead Sea, Glacier National Park and the Florida Keys. While each of these areas is in some sort of decline, there is still plenty of enjoyment to be had by tourists. The growing awareness of climate change has sparked interest in environments that are rapidly degrading. 

Carbon Neutral Footprint 

Increased tourism can also raise the stress level for an already threatened environment. More traffic means more of a carbon footprint. This can mean emissions from travel to and around the area. It can also mean more pollution and garbage piling up at these destinations. While the increased revenue helps financially, and the higher awareness helps from a financial perspective, more people also means quicker degradation. For example, the sunblock worn by tourists has been shown to result in the destruction of coral reef. Fortunately, there are packages that encourage tourists to be carbon neutral when they visit the site. Tourists who engage in this “last-chance tourism” are more willing to spend the extra amount necessary to help preserve these destinations for as long as possible. These packages can involve transportation that involves lower emissions or more eco-friendly tourism. 

Tourists will want to take advantage of the opportunity to see threatened sites before the degradation that comes from climate change alters them beyond recognition. Unless the world can get a handle on global warming, many of the cherished destinations may disappear before the end of this century.